What to Drink During the Presidential Inauguration

On January 20th, the United States will officially be inaugurating Joe Biden as the next president. No matter what you believe politically, this is no greater time than to drink a bit. Whether that’s a drinking game, a few beers mulled wine, or some cocktails, let’s bring in the 59th president of the United States with some fun and joy. 

If you enjoy drinking games try this one out this inauguration and please remember as always, drink responsibly. Pick the alcohol of your choice for the game. I honestly think beer or cider maybe my choice this year. Some may want to stick with wine and others may want to drink cocktails. If you do choose cocktails, be sure it’s the same type of alcohol each time so you don’t end up sick. 

I would say spring for the top-shelf alcohol this inauguration and be good to yourself. Try Ciroc flavored vodka, Hennessey, or Masterson’s whiskey for example. If you will be with close family or friends this inauguration, you could make a signature cocktail of your choice or possibly mulled wine or sangria. There’s plenty of ways to get your drink on and stay safe indoors watching the inauguration virtually from home. 

So here it is the drinking game you’ve been waiting for. Anytime you hear the below terms, take a gulp, big gulp, or multiple gulps from your beverage. 

Every time you hear the words below, drink! 

  • “The fact is” take 1 gulp 
  • “The fact of the matter is” 2 gulps
  • “Trump” 1 big gulp or swig
  • “Pandemic” or “Covid-19” 2 gulps 
  • “Virtual” 1 gulp 
  • “ Vaccine” 1 gulp 
  • “Social Media” 1 gulp
  • “Violence” 2 gulps
  • “Racism”2 gulps
  • “Kamala Harris” 2 gulps
  • “Biden” 2 gulps
  • “Obama” 2 gulps
  • “Mike Pence” 2 gulps
  • Anytime there’s nothing going on on-screen 4 gulps
  • Anytime it switches to a commercial 4 gulps 
  • Tech supergiant 1 gulp
  • Work from home 3 gulps
  • 59th President 4 gulps 
  • Words matter 1 gulp

Whether you are happy or upset with the election, at least we can all agree a great drink may be helpful and Liquor Stars is here for you!